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(This biographical information comes from R.W Twigge's history of the McNamaras which was published by Martin Breen and kindly bequeathed to me, the section used can be accessed
here. The genealogical information can all be accessed from
An Leabhar Muihmneach, pages 312-215 which contains the Ua Caisín genealogies.)
Caisín (b.c 420AD-461AD)
Caisin, second son of
Cas, had allotted to him by his father the district of Ui-gCaisin. From him it took its name, which is preserved to the present day in the rural deanery of * Ogaskin,’ for the ecclesiastical divisions of a country are less liable to change than the political divisions. After the introduction of Christianity, Ui-gCaisin was divided into the parishes of Ciuaine, Cuinche, Duire, Cill-reachtais,Inis-Cronain with a sub-division Cill-Subhalaid, Teampul Ui-Mailli, and Tulach-na-nEscop with a later sub-division— Cill-Muire. These existing parishes form the Deanery, and their bounds cover the ground originally granted to Caisin. Henceforward the chief of Ui-gCaisin held the second place in precedency among the Dal-gCais, and to him belonged the hereditary office of Marshal of Tuadh-Mumha, whose duty it was to inaugurate, by the delivery of a straight white wand and other ceremonies, the head of the tribe on his election to the kingship. This solemn inauguration of the King of Tuadh-Mumha took place on the mound of Magh-Adhair, (in the parish of Cluaine), the burial place of Adar, a celebrated Fir-bolg chieftain of that district. This site must have been regarded with peculiar veneration by succeeding generations, since it was selected by a later race as their solemn meeting-place for the election of their Celtic kings. Received baptism at hands of Patrick, 455AD in Singland, Limerick. Died 461AD.
Had issue:* Eochaidh (ancestor of Cinéal nDúnghaile from whom descend Ua Duibhginn and Ua Gráda, also ancestor of Clann Aonghusa)* Eanda (no descendents)* Sineall (ancestor of Uí Dhobharchon)* Carthann (Ancestor of Cuiléin, progenitor of Clan Cuiléin)* Cormac (ancestor of Clann Eochadha)
May be the progenitor of DC63 (or more likely his son Cuiléin) due to the massive proliferation evidently associated with his descendents (see chart above for demonstration of this). There are no diverging lines on Uirthile's pedigree back to Caisín described so another ancestor of DC63 would be difficult to identify, there are also no kin groups described as descended from any individuals along this pedigree before him. The structure of the
genetic tree on the descendents of FGC79628 resembles the Uí Cais&iacut; genealogies in that Caisín (FGC79628) has three sons (Sineall, Eochaidh, Cormac) which ultimately spawn smaller kindreds (which may reflect DC87, BY39756, DC25) and one son (Carthann) who's descendent Cuiléin (ancestor of Clan Cuiléin) ultimately spawns a much larger proliferation which probably reflects DC63.Had issue:* Breigín - Ancestor of Uí Breigin* Fearbla* Catharnach - Ancestor of clann Chatharnaigh.* Cuiléin* Eoghan - Ancestor of Uí Eoghain* Breasal - Ancestor of Uí Breasail
“Cuilen’s mother, a daughter of the King of Munster, saw in a dream the child, who was to be born of her, in the form of a hound, hence the name given to him” [Cuilen = catullus, whelp.] From him his descendants derived their appellation of Clann-Cuilein.. Cuilein's descendents were known as Clann Cuiléin, and dominated East Clare (lending their name to it), later conquering the Uí Bloid in the aftermath of the Norman wars. Their chiefest sept, Mac Conmara was second only to the great Ua Briain in their influence and power in Thomond.had issue (see above chart for details):* Narghalach (ancestor of many septs)* Eoghan (ancestor of many septs)* Maol Cluiche (ancestor of many septs)
Maol Cluiche.
Head of Clan Cuiléin by 847AD.
(see page 72, story of an irish sept) Possibly associated with mutation DC29 as it is possessed by O'Halloran and O'Hartigan testers (purportedly descended from his son Lúba) and McNamara testers (descended from his son Síoda).had issue:* Síoda* Lúba - Ancestor of Ua Luba, Ua hAllmharain (O'Halloran), Ua hArtagain (O'Hartigan), Ua Sioda [mic] Chuilein, Ua MaolChana, Ua Dunnachaid, Ua Reabachain, Ua Ciarain and Ua Bigin.
Síoda in eich buidi (of the bay steed)
While Sioda was chief of Ui-gCaisin an attempt was made by Flann Sinna (of the Sinainn) Ard-ri of Eire (879-916) to exact tribute from the Dal-gCais, while on circuit through the whole country accompanied by four powerful battalions, for the purpose of receiving hostages and tribute from the provincial rulers. Before setting out on this expedition hehad boasted at Temair that there were none of the Provincial kings who could play chess against him, or prevent him from playing wherever he chose to play the game. His ollamh of poetry, Flann, son of Lonan (d. 897), warned him against such idle boasting, saying that to his certain knowledge there were free cantreds in Eire wherein the monarch would not be allowed to play against their will. Flann Sinna made a demand on the free Dal-gCais, who were exempt from any payment to him, of a sheep from every flock, a war-steed from their king, a free gift from every prince, and three silver pennies from every chieftain.
Now Lorcan, son of Lachna, was King of Tuadh-Mumha at that time, a man of prowess and renown, and he dwelt on Loch-Derg-deirc; and he went forward to meet Flann, who, on his progress from Luimneach, had reached the Plain of Adar and was encamped in its midst, and there on the sacred mound Flann’s chess-board was given him to play withal. The assembled Dal-gCais were enraged at this insult, and rushing into the monarch’s tent, broke the board in twain and so scattered the pieces that not the third part of them were ever afterwards recovered.
Then with their quickly gathered forces they laid such close siege to Flann in that place that for three days and three nights none of his troops obtained rest, or food, or drink, nor is it known how many of them fell. Of the Dal-gCais only one rash youth, armed with no weapons save darts, was slain by Flann’s archers. The cavalry of the Ard-ri had fled to the adjoining forests, where they were surrounded and taken by Sioda.
After three days siege the monarch ‘ went under the protection of his poet ’ in order to obtain terms and release.
It was on this occasion that the latter composed the lay—“ Lorcan of Loch Derg . . . . ” wherein he highly eulogises Sioda :—
Sioda of the bay steed took two hundred horses per man,
We thought it a hard case, that he, single-handed, took all from us.
He surrounded us from the south, and did us much mischief.
He came round us from the north and set us trembling so that our forces gave way.
Flan from Tara's halls, the king of banquets. said.
"O Mac Lonain for friendship's sake claim from Sioda his bay steed."
Forthwith I went, and addressed Sioda, the free and pure.
"Wherefore dost thou come Mac Lonain?" said Sioda
I replied to the Prince, the fierce warrior of the Gael.
"To solicit the bay steed. Sir. I have come."
"Hearken [said Sioda] O Mac Lonain. since thou art a man of verse,
the bay steed of handsome crest have I long ridden ;
it has [before now] been my lot to put in a good year on foot ;
I shall do brave deeds without him [the horse]."
"For Sioda be the black horse saddled," cried the poet, in great excitement
"Flan will make an exchange for a bay a black one."
Bay were all their steeds after that,
the horror of death was in their weapons,
though all the world had been at stake,
yet Sioda maintained his friendship for me. (History of an Irish Sept... page 83)<
The poet therefore asked protection from the Dal-gCais for Flann, and his petition was granted. The discomfited monarch with his battalions were then fed, and conducted to the fords of the Sinainn.had issue:* Slatra - Ancestor of Í Shlatra (O'Slattery)
(Possibly represented by Slattery cluster under DC406)* Aisiadh* CeannDeargán - Ancestor of Í ChinnDeargán
was probably the man of that name mentioned in the ‘ Cathreim Cellachain Caisil,’ whose son Aengus was slain while accompanying Cellachan, King of Mumha, to Ath-cliath in A.D. 950. There treacherously Cellachan was taken prisoner by the Norsemen, and carried first to Ard-Macha, and afterwards on board the Viking fleet anchored in Dun-nDealgan bay. A messenger from him announced his capture to the chiefs of Mumha, who summoned a hosting to effect the rescue of their king. Their battalions mustered at Magh-Adhair, and there Cenneide, King of Tualh-Mumha, who was left behind to protect Mumha, detached 3,000 men (more than the half of his forces) and sent them forward with the expedition. His commands were—“
— “ Let Coscrach, Lonngarcan and Congalach come,
with 2,000 men.Let Aissida, son of Aissida, come, with
500 of the descendants of Carthenn along with him. Let
Deghadh, son of Domnall, son of Donn, come, with 500 of
the men of Ele with him.” These forces he added to the host, who pushed on to Ard-Macha, where they routed the Danes; and after the Irish fleet had come round the coast and vanquished the Viking fleet in Dun-nDealgan bay and released their king, returned with him in triumph to Caisel. (
Cathréim Cellacháin Caisil, Alexander Bugge, page 88)had issue:* Éanna
had issue:* Aodh
Aedh adhar [wan-faced]. from whom the clan derived its name Síol-Aedha, or Seed of Aedh. Lord of Uí gCaisín. had issue:* Meanma* Catharnach - Ancestor of Muinntear Chatharnaigh. His son attempted to kill Donnchadh mac Brian in 1018 and cut off a piece of his hand and was afterwards killed.* Dunlaing - Ancestor of Ua Dunloing* Niall - Father of Flannchad Fionn the ancestor of the Ó Flannchadha (Clancy), hereditary brehons of Thomond.* Maolcána - Ancestor of Clann Uí Mhaoilchána.
Died 1014. Presumably in Clontarf.
had issue:* Cú Mara
Cú Mara
Had issue:* Domhnaill of Sliabh Echtghe* Diarmaid - Ancestor of Clann mhic an Chlaring. Had son "An Giolla Maol" (ancestor of Clann mhic an Ghiolla Mhaol).*Giolla Cuinde - Ancestor of Clann Mhic Giolla Cuinnde and Clann Lorchain.
Domhnaill of Sliabh Echtghe
Had issue:* Cú Mara Beg* Donnchadh oirchinneac -Ancestor of mhic an oirchinnicc (McInerney)
(Possibly represented by McInerney/N117537 under DC31.)* Maolseachlain mainech - Ancestor of "Gabul Mhaoilseachlainn Mhainicc"
Cú Mara Beg
Described as Lord of Uí gCaisín upon his death in 1151 in the Annals. Ancestor of the
Meic Conmara proper.
(Descendents are represented by McNamara surname cluster under DC30)had issue:* Niall