Aonghus Ceann-Nathrach
May be the ancestor of DC8 and possibly DC109 as well. Ancestor of Cinéal Fearmaic (
May be associated with DC1165 or DC135+DC1165), Cinéal Baoith and
Cinéal Cuallachtaigh (or Guaiseachta)(From whom are said to descend Ó Griobhta or Griffin.
Two Griffins are under DC993+DC8 and may represent this line.) and Cinéal [bh]Fáilbhe. (see
p. 237,
p. 294 ALM) Son of
Tál Cas. His name means Aonghus Snake-Head. His descendents occupied an area in North-West Clare. Had issue at least two sons:
* Rethach
* Baeth - From whom descends Cineal Baoith (page 316 ALM)
had issue:* Díoma
had issue:* Díoma
had issue:* Dunn Sléibhe
Dunn Sléibhe
had issue:* Con Allta
Con Allte
had issue:Fearmaic

Namesake of Cinéal Fearmaic which presumably comprised a group of septs and surnames descended from him which
populated the namesake territory and was ruled by the O'Deas who were the chiefest sept.
He may have played a role in the events described in the annals in 744 as the 'Destruction of CorcoMruad by the Déis'
and his descendents may have ruled the areas of these conquests (this is just speculation, many of the septs named on the tuath of Cineal Fearmaic (above map) are from much earlier splits in the Dalcassian tree, indicating an earlier date of occupation).had issue:* Fearching - Had five sons, ancestor of Ua Deaghaidh.* Fear Domhnaigh - Ancestor of Fear Domhnaigh, ancestor of the Síol Fear Domhnaigh.
He may be associated with the SNP mutation DC1165+DC8 or it's son DC135. I have no genealogical information to suggest either, other than it may one of them as they exist on the path down to the O'Deas who are descendents of Fearmaic as there is no other known genealogical proliferations previous to this.
Some surnames (Cineal Fearmaic)
Ua Déaghaidh
Surname cluster found under DC135+DC1165+DC8. Descended from Déaghaidh mac Domhnall mac Duinn mac Dubhaltaigh mac Flannchadh mac Flann Sgrioball mac Fearching mac Fearmaic. This Déaghaidh is mentioned in the Cathréim Cellacháin Caisil which quote the orders of Cinnéidigh, King of Thomond who is mustering his forces for an engagement with the Norsemen:
— “ Let Coscrach, Lonngarcan and Congalach come,
with 2,000 men.Let Aissida, son of Aissida, come, with
500 of the descendants of Carthenn along with him. Let
Deghadh, son of Domnall, son of Donn, come, with 500 of
the men of Ele with him.” (
Cathréim Cellacháin Caisil, Alexander Bugge, page 88) The O'Deas were Lords of Cineal Fearmaic. They are known for their victory over the Normans at Dysert O'Dea (1318) where the de Clares were permanently driven from Thomond.
Mac Conchradha
Surname cluster found under DC135+DC1165+DC8.English: Crowe, Crow, Croke etc. Irish: Mac Conchradha (descendent of the son of Conchraidh). They were subordinate to the O'Deas, who were the chiefs of Cinéal Fearmaic. They were probably a sept of the Cinéal Fearmaic (namesake of the tuath they occupied land on) due to their close genetic relationship to the O'Deas (both are under DC135). Cathréim Toirdhealbhach first refers to the "The warlike Mac Concroes" as fighting for Prince Diarmaid Ua Briain at the Battle of Lough Raska in 1317. Their main territory was Baile MacEnchrowe which was comprised of the four quarters Skaghvicenchroe, Carrowkeel, Sileshaun and Carrownisky. They also controlled two quarters in Rath. The Cineal Baoith consisted of 17 quarters. The McEnchroes in 1641 had about 2896 plantation acres which made the 14th biggest landowners in Thomond. (Source: The Gaelic clans of Co. Clare and their territories 1100-1700 A,D, by Patrick Nugent)