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Eochaidh Bailldearg (b. 455-d.c 415)

Son of Carthan Finn Mór. He purportedly received his appelation Bailldearg (Redball) from the ball of gore which Patrick formed him from, which he had a birthmark from(The Tripartite Life of Patrick, page 207). He succeeded his brother Oenghus as King. He was succeeded by his younger brother Cormac Coíche who was then succeeded by Eochaidh's son Conall Caemh.
Had issue (ALM page 296) (Twigge):

* Conall Caemh
* Saint Breacan of Aran

Conall Caemh(b.c 500- d.c 570)

Conall Caemh (the gentle). King of Thomond. Received blessing from St. Ruadhan of Lorrha in the house of Coirpre Criomm, King of Munster (reigned 542–577) (ALM page 296) (Twigge [English Translation of Similar Source] ). Succeeded by his son Aedh.
Had issue:

* Aodh
* Fianorb - From whom descends Cor Coilgeand.
* Saint Molua the Leper

Aodh Craige Léithe (b.c 540-d.c 600)

His geographical epithet indicates he had already settled in the area that would become the Uí Toirdhealbhach heartland near Lough Derg. (Grianán Lachtna is also said to be in Cráige Léithe) Or perhaps if we ignore the chronology given on this site (which attempts to reconcile itself with a legendary history), this epithet may indicate he was truly the first of this line to settle beyond the Shannon, and was a contemporary of Díoma who first conquered Thomond for the Deis Tuaiscirt.

"This Aedh was the first Christian of the Dalcassian race to seize the kingship of Cashel although this has been expunged by the historians of the Eoganacht." In 571 (Westropp): "He met with Aodh mac Crimthan at Carn an Ríogh in Muigh Feimhin" to settle their dispute over the kingship and this meeting was overseen by Colman Mac Léinin and Brendan of Clonfert who blessed Aodh mac Conall and confirmed his succession, he received the hostages of Munster.(ALM, page 88) On his death he was succeeded as King of Thomond by his cousin Forranán of the Ua Caisín (ancestor of Cinéal nDúnghaile and the O'Gradys). A poem mentioning him and Aedh mac Crimthann composed by Saint Brendan:

My two Aedhs, my two Aedhs !
They are at once my two friends ;
Aedh of Craig-liath, fruitful in children;
Aedh of Core’s Caisel, who gives me aid ;
Aedh, Conall’s son, the northern Aedh,
Possessor of red-weaponed Eire Aedh,
Crimthann’s son, the southern Aedh
Cultivator of lands and harvests (Twigge)

Had issue (ALM pg 297):

* Conghal - had two sons, Toltanach and Urchlasach. This Urchlasach had a son, Flann, from which descended the Uí Floinn (who were involved in killing Brian Boru's elder brother Lachtna in 951.)
* Cathal
* Carthan - descended from him was Dúnghalach mac Murghaile mac Carthan.

Cathal (b.c 570-d.c 625)

His son. Had issue one son:

Toirdhealbhach na dTreabha (Turlogh of the Tribes) (b.c 600-d.c 680)

Chieftain and ancestor of the famous Uí Toirdhealbhach sept (these later sources describe him as King of Thomond, but he is not included in the king list in the Book of Munster so this is dubious, especially given that this source goes out of it's way to glorify Brian's line). Supposedly began rule 625 and retired to become a monk in his old age, receiving a monk’s habit from St. Colman at Lismore. (ClareLibrary: Saint Flannan)(Monastaries of Killaloe, The Rev. Thomas Walsh, 1856) He lies buried in his son's (St. Flannan) church.(Westropp) A more realistic dating of his birth may be 700AD based on the floruit of his descendents and the amount of generations between them and him. He Probably carried the SNP FGC5659.
A poem:
Five sons of Toirdhealbhach of the Tribes
Flandan, Aedh, Eochaidh, Ailghile
Of a family long-lived, magnanimous
Is Mathgamain, son of Toirdhealbhach (Twigge)

Had issue (see below chart for more details):

* St Flannan (b.c 620)

* Aedh

* Eochaidh ( Possibly associated with mutation BY4103.)

* Ailghile

* Maithgamhain

The Uí Toirdhealbhach

Ruled a large area along Lough Derg and grew in power as their rivals the Uí Oengusso waned. Flann Sinna is said to have invaded Munster in 880 from Cork to Borama in Ui Tairdelbaig. He went to Mag Adair where he encountered Lorcáin and Maicín mac Braín of uí Thairdelbaig was killed when Flann Sinna was at Mag Adair. They may have supported King Fedelmid mac Crimthainn and joined him on his raids into Leath Cuinn. They plotted their own ecclesiastical policy and were mentioned in the Bethú Padraig 895AD which disparaged their Uí Oengusso rivals. They supported king Cormac mac Cullinan, Aineslis and Connadar of Ui Toirdhealbhach died at Bellaghmoon in 908. In 925 the annals note that Ánrothán son of Máel Gorm assumed the kingship of Corco Mruad, the territory in the north-western part of Co. Clare (showing the reach of their power). He was a descendant of Mathgamain son of Tairdelbach. The native dynasty of Corcomruad would later recover power in the late 900s. In 927 the annals name Máel Corguis ua Conaill as 'bishop of Thomond' (epscoip Tuadmuman). He was probably a grandson of Conall son of Eochaid son of Tairdelbach, who is named as the ancestor of the Áes Cluana ('People of the Church') of Dál Cais. The Uí Toirdhealbhach were clearly dominating Thomond and expanding in power at this point (Jaski 2014).

By 934 Reabachán Mac Mothla dies and is described as being of Uí Oengusso descent (his pedigree is lost) (page 316 ALM). There seems to be a gap in the king lists of the Dál gCais from approximately 820AD-920AD(the successor of Torpaid who's death is noted in the annals at 765AD must have been born 745 at the latest, and it is this man, his brother, and his son who are the next three kings, before Reabachan (died 934).These were presumably Uí Oengusso kings. This loss of records may be a symptom of their decline.
At Reabachán's death Lorcán mac Lachtna of Uí Toirdhealbhach is said to have succeeded him, and Conghalach, Lorcáins son, killed Reabachans son, Dubgilla the same year removing their last rival (as per the annals). (although as the killing of Lachtna in 951 suggests, there was still inter-tribal conflicts as to the succession)


Dalcassian DNA